Blonde Ambition

North East Visits | Halloween at Alnwick Garden

Alnwick Garden Halloween 2015
Alnwick Garden Halloween 2015
Alnwick Garden Halloween 2015
Alnwick Garden Halloween 2015
Alnwick Garden Halloween 2015
Alnwick Garden Halloween 2015
Alnwick Garden Halloween 2015
Alnwick Garden Halloween 2015
Alnwick Garden Halloween 2015
Alnwick Garden Halloween 2015
Alnwick Garden Halloween 2015
Alnwick Garden Halloween 2015
Alnwick Garden Halloween 2015
Alnwick Garden Halloween 2015
Alnwick Garden Halloween 2015
Alnwick Garden Halloween 2015
Alnwick Garden Halloween 2015
Alnwick Garden Halloween 2015
Alnwick Garden Halloween 2015
Alnwick Garden Halloween 2015
Alnwick Garden Halloween 2015

If you read my blog often, you'll probably know that I'm in my third year of university studying photography. One of our modules requires us to photograph an event and when I heard there was a World Record Attempt for the largest gathering of people dressed as witches on Halloween at Alnwick Garden, I couldn't think of anything better to photograph. 

It was such a funny experience seeing so many people dressed up, I loved how much effort people had gone to. Before the count started there was some live music and people milling around the gardens, which look beautiful at this time of year, those leaves! There were little Halloween decorations popping up around the place which was super fun. I loved seeing the Guinness World Record man with his jacket and clipboard, made me think I was on a game show!

When the count started people started filling up the designated area. The schedule estimated it would take 20 minutes to fill the area, although an hour later and when it still wasn't full I started to feel a bit sorry for all the witches being squeezed in like sardines standing up for so long. There were lots of older people and little ones who I imagine were getting tired. By this time it was getting dark, the gardens looked lovely all lit up. 

Once all the witches were in I did see some staff frantically running around with brooms and hats looking for more people as they were 10 short. When they had everyone in they all had to stand for 5 minutes, all without removing their cape, broom or hat. After conferring with the stewards they broke the disappointing news that they hadn't broken the record and were short by 26 people, which I imagine is because people were discounted for removing hats etc. 

Although I think people were disappointed, the day was still fun and I'm glad I went along to take some photographs. The gardens are gorgeous and I would definitely recommend a visit if you haven't been before. 



  1. This sounds like it was such a fun little event - so cool that you got to photograph it as well!

    Lucy |

    1. It was super fun, shame about the result though! xx

  • Sam Rickelton | Family Travel Blogger12 November 2015 at 14:43

    Ah we were there too - it was a lovely day and I loved being part of it, not sure I could put myself through it with three kids by myself again though xx

    1. Ah really! Yeah it was fab but I'm not surprised! I couldn't believe how long it took them to get people in place! xx


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