Blonde Ambition

Read & Reviewed #8

I've been slacking on the reading from recently. I've been so super busy with uni when I get some free time I don't have the energy! I'm still up to my 31st book of the year, so my goal of 50 is out the window, but I reckon I can get to 40. 

Whispers Underground by Ben Aaronovitch - 5/5

This is the third book in the Peter Grant series. I honestly love this series so much, I've said before I think of them as an adult Harry Potter, with more ghetto thrown in! It starts with a gruesome murder in the tube station and obviously ends up magically related! With all of these books I just love the humour, they're gory which I love and all the characters are so relatable. It's honestly believable, the details are so in depth, a great read !

Elizabeth is Missing by Emma Healey - 4/5 

Based on Maud, a grandmother slowly losing her memory is convinced her friend Elizabeth is missing. When no one will listen to her, she delves deeper until she finds outcomes of her own sisters disappearance after WW2. I really enjoyed this book, I liked the two stories running together and intertwining. I did get quite frustrated with Maud at times but I imagine that's the intention. I wasn't crazy about the ending, but enjoyed the read. 

Thirteen by Tom Hoyle - 3/5

Born at midnight in London, on the stroke of the new millennium, Adam is the target of a cult that believes boys born on this date must die before the end of their thirteenth year. I found this book engaging, although it was a little far fetched to be set in our world. I liked the chase that the book captured but I wasn't crazy on the plot, I do have the follow up to this book and will still be giving it a go. 


1 comment

  1. I'm currently reading Elizabeth is Missing and really enjoying it. I'm not getting frustrated with Maud I just feel incredibly sad for her.
    Pretty Mad Things .. x o


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