Blonde Ambition

My Little #NOFILTER Box | March 2017

I think this might be the most photogenic set of products I've ever seen! The colour and design of this months #NOFILTER box (or bag) is so on trend! I don't know how they pull it out the bag (excuse the pun) every time! Firstly I absolutely love this makeup/toiletries style bag, it'll be super handy for travelling! I also love the print that came this month, I'll definitely be putting this one up on my gallery wall! 

Lets start off with the beauty bits I got this month, first off there is a My Little Beauty Nail Polish in the shade Toute Nude, clue's in the name really, it's the most gorgeous pale pink nude. Next up there is a sample size Makeup For Ever Ultra HD Loose Powder which I'm excited to try. There's also another sample size of the Laura Mercier Foundation Primer, I've actually tried this before and really like it so it's good to have a travel size. 

Onto the lifestyle bits, the first one is a beauty bit too really, it's a makeup brush. I love the design of this it looks so cute. I think that as a foundation brush it remind me of the shape of the Real Techniques buffing brush. I like the branding idea of it being a selfie brush to give you picture perfect skin, I'm excited to give it a go. There was also a beauty notebook, it has a few pages of beauty tips then lined pages for your notes, the perfect size for your handbag. Finally there was also a smartphone ring, can I also say how much I love the heart shaped bubble wrap bag! I've seen these around, they're used for keeping your phone stable in your hand without being able to drop it and also being able to prop it up to stand by itself, such a good idea! 


1 comment

  1. I've never heard of this box but it's so cute - even the bag alone is so worth it :) There are some amazing brands included too, and I like the lifestyle touches!

    Claire | VanityClaire xx


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