Blonde Ambition

My Top 10 Favourite Kylie Cosmetics Liquid Lipsticks

Top 10 Favourite Kylie Cosmetics Liquid Lipsticks

After being lucky enough to receive 2 of the Kylie Cosmetics gift sets for Christmas (what a wonderful human my boyfriend is), I've well and truly been bitten by the Kylie bug. I wasn't sure whether the liquid lipsticks would live up to the hype, but the certainly have. I reach for one of them almost every time I do my makeup now, I've been lucky to get a wide range of her shades and there really is something to suit everyone. I've loved every shade I've tried, they do dry down quite a lot on the lips but for someone who has serious #overbiteprobs knowing my lipstick isn't all over my teeth is the best! They all apply so well, never patchy and the lasting power is brilliant. 

I thought for this post I'd share some of my favourite shades, obviously I haven't tried all of them, but I've got a fair whack, I haven't included swatches because they're so easy to find on the internet, I just wanted to share which shades I think are the best! 

Moon - This one is my go to when I want a super cool toned taupe-y nude!

Kristen - This is such a lovely shade, it's a warm toned brown berry shade, great for all year round!

Angel - Another nude but this one is on the pink end of the spectrum, a really warm dusky pink.

Vixen - My ultimate dark lip, a gorgeous vampy plum!

Candy K - This one is my favourite nude shade, for my complexion it's the perfect mix of brown and pink. 

Koko K - Another gorgeous nude, this one is more of a pink, but a lovely cool toned pink. 

Merry - For me this is a perfect red, a gorgeous deep red which suites my pale complexion.

Brown Sugar - This one for me is a beautiful true brown, quite a dark shade on me, so nice! 

Dancer - This is the only metal I've tried from the range, it's a lovely shimmery ruby wine shade. 

Love Bite - Finally this one is a rich plummy brown shade, not too dark. 

Have you tried anything from Kylie Cosmetics? What are your favourites?



  1. I'm so jealous of your collection! x

  2. Such pretty shades, awesome collection! :)

    Lotte |

  3. Class and Glitter22 February 2017 at 12:52

    Oh wow, I need them all!

    Parie x
    Class and Glitter


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